Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Writers Wednesday


Over the last couple of weeks, I've had several people ask how to go about publishing stories they were writing.

Your first priority, of course, is to finish writing the book. 

You should understand right from the beginning that there are a number of qualities you will need to succeed.  In addition to the ability to skillfully craft a story worthy of publication, writers must have patience and perseverance.  Writing "the end" on the last page is only the beginning. The story must be rewritten until it is polished like a jewel.  I spent a year fine-tuning THE GINGERBREAD COWBOY and I can explain the conscious decisions behind every word choice, plot point, and character in the story and it's less than a thousand words.

Once your manuscript is as perfect as you can make it, you will need to find a way to workshop it with other writers to get it critiqued and  provide you with feed back for revisions.  It's fine to have your family and friends read it over if you want, but unless they are published professionals in children's literature you'll need outside suggestions. Family and friends love us and want to be kind and they don't know what an editor or agent requires. 

If you write for children, SCBWI is an excellent source for finding local critique groups, workshops and writers conferences where you have an opportunity to have your work critiqued.  Writer's for adult audiences can benefit from membership is organizations devoted to their particular genre such as mystery or romance.  Local colleges, and community sponsored adult education programs offer writing classes that can be beneficial and introduce you to other writers in your area.

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