When Mountain Lions AreNeighbors by Beth Pratt Bergstrom, California Director for The National
Wildlife Federation, is a thoughtful and well-written collection of stories
that highlight the challenges and opportunities that are inherent when people
and wildlife coexist.
The book focuses on the ways in which individuals – from
biologists and other natural scientists to homeowners and freeway commuters –
are finding ways to support and even encourage California’s amazing
biodiversity. A pair of deer venturing across the Golden Gate Bridge, the
amazing presence of P22, Griffith Park’s resident cougar, a peregrine falcon in
San Jose City, and harbor porpoises returning to San Francisco Bay are only a
few of the remarkable stories.
Bergstrom covers a lot of territory
as she recounts the work undertaken to study and conserve a wide variety of
creatures across California’s geographically diverse landscape. Each of the
five photo-illustrated chapters open with a specific case and its significance
in the overall conservation picture then enlarges on the theme to include
associated topics before closing with a look at other related animals and
situations in a series of one-page essays at the end of each chapter.
The writing is compelling
and varied in its approach to the subjects. Chapter Three, Keeping Bears Wild:
How Staff and Visitors in Yosemite National Park Help Wildlife, opens with
forty-eight hours in the life of Yosemite black bear, based on the recorded
travels of one of the bears tracked for research in 2014. This approach
provides readers with an in-depth look at motivations, behaviors, and the
impact of human habitation on the natural activity of this wild inhabitant of
Yosemite. Additional discussions focus on Yosemite’s environment, the work of
staff to intervene and develop humane strategies to reduce human/bear
interactions that led to property damage and bear deaths. The chapter concludes
with a look at the bighorn sheep, the fisher, the pika, Great Gray Owls, and
the Yosemite Toad among other subjects.
The final chapter, Good
Neighbors: What Californians Are Doing For Wildlife In Their Own Backyards
details the ways in which communities, schools, organizations, and individuals
are finding ways to support local wildlife.
The tone of the book is
honest, realistic, and cautiously hopeful. The current challenges facing out
natural environments are daunting, but this book is a reminder that successes
are possible. Whether you’re a dedicated conservationist or simply someone who
values the opportunity to enjoy a walk in nature, you’ll find inspiration and a
new appreciation of the wild world just outside your door.
I enthusiastically
recommend When Mountain Lions Are Neighbors.