Poetry Friday is hosted today by Check It Out.
For Poetry Friday -- "Monumental Verses" by J. Patrick
Verses from the esteemed
J. Patrick Lewis -- need I say more?
This is a wonderful collection that pays
homage to some of man's most amazing monuments. Lewis takes readers around the
world -- from ancient Stonehenge and the colossal Great Wall of China to the
engineering marvel of the Golden Gate Bridge and the inspiring Statue of
Liberty. The beauty of the Taj Mahal,
the mysteries of Easter Island, and the grandeur of Machu Picchu are all
celebrated within the pages along with others.
Traditional rhyming schemes share
space with concrete, free verse and acrostic poems as Lewis invites readers to contemplate
and appreciate the imagination, skill, and dedication required to create each
monument that appears in stunning photographs.
The book includes a map showing
the location of each monument and additional information.
What a beautiful way to integrate
Language Arts and Social Studies.