Monday, November 22, 2010

Nonfiction Monday is hosted today by Practically Paradise.

My selection is One Grain of Rice: a mathematical folktale written and illustrated by Demi.

Drawing on her experiences from living in India, Demi retells an Indian folktale and illustrates her story in the glowing gold leaf and rich colors of traditional Indian artwork. One Grain of Rice tells the story of Rani who outwits a greedy raja with her clever use of a basic mathematical ploy and succeeds in feeding her starving country. Offered a reward for her honesty, Rani's request is a simple one - a single grain of rice to be doubled the next day - the amount to be doubled again every day for a thirty days. The raja learns a lesson about generosity as his storehouse is emptied and Rani's people are fed with a billion plus grains of rice thanks to her inspired use of math.

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